Apr 30, 2020

Main features,Policies of Indian Agriculture

Main  features,  problems  and  policies  of  agriculture  (institutional  aspects  and  new agricultural  strategy)

Features of Indian agriculture 
1 low productivity 
disguised unemployment 
3 dependence on rainfall 
subsistence farming 
lack of modern inputs 
small Holdings

 Problems of Indian agriculture
1. lack of permanent means of irrigation 
deficiency of finance 
3. conventional Outlook 
4. small and scattered Holdings 
5. Lack of organised Marketing System

Agrarian Reforms or Reforms in Indian Agriculture (Green Revolution)
These are broadly classified as in the following flowchart
Achievement of Agrarian Reform (Green Revolution) 
1 spurt in crop productivity 
2 Substantial rise in acreage
3 shift from subsistence farming to       commercial farming
Change in farmers Outlook 
5 Self sufficiency in food grain production

Gains of Green Revolution : Significant but not sufficient -
1 Limited crop - It is confined mainly to the production of wheat and rice. 
Uneven spread - It has not been uniform across all regions. 
Limited farming population.

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